How Do You Know if Google has Crawled your website

Posted by Boffill Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Sometimes I get this question to some of my friends online who are not really certain if Google has crawled their website. One friend asked me if how you would know if Google crawled your website, simple question with simple answer. I will give you tutorial on how to check if Google crawled your website. There are actually two steps on checking it thru Google’s search box.
Google Crawler

Step 1

First. Go to

Second. At the search box, type

Third. The search result should give you all the indexed page of your website.

Note: You can also add a backslash with the sub-directory path so that only all the sub-directories will be shown on the search result. Example is That will give you just the stuff about “example” on all website. It can help you filter so you can avoid the items you don’t want to see on your search result.

Step 2

First. Go to

Second. Type your website at the search box

Third. On the search results, you will notice there’s a link named “Cached” next to your domain name. Click on it and you will see the date of the last time Google Crawled your website.

With the steps provided, this should help the webmaster know if Google is crawling his website and the last time it was crawled.