My Twitter Has Been Hacked!
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Last time I logged in to my account at Twitter was last week. I am not really fond of twitting twits to my Twitter friends but I always value my account. I can contact my cousins and friends thru twitter at times especially when they are not logged in to their Facebook account. This morning, when I logged in to Twitter, I noticed that the spams I get from last week were still there. I first noticed this spam when some of my friends at Facebook were complaining about it. By the way, my Twitter and Facebook were linked to each other. I checked on it and it was there, I checked the apps and websites that have an access to my Twitter and none of them were suspicious. I don’t really know what’s happening now, I tried to check on the Help page of Twitter but have not gotten any good result. Now, I’m frustrated about it because it’s spamming my account and I’ll have to unlink my Facebook and Twitter so that my Facebook won’t get affected. I still need some help about it. I hope this one will be fixed soon!
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