How To Increase Traffic in your Blog thru Social Networking/Bookmarking Sites

Posted by Boffill Friday, October 22, 2010
Social Networking websites has been very helpful to most of the bloggers now all over the world. The most popular in this field is Facebook. Social Networking site is sometimes called Social Bookmarking site. Social Networking sites are being used by most people to communicate with their friends and family. Since people are into Social Networking site, we bloggers can take advantage of it. Thru these Social Networking or Bookmarking websites, we can share pictures, videos and links. Submitting your blog post entry to this website can possibly provide you load of visitors. That’s where we get traffic now. Commonly used platforms are Facebook, Twitter, Technorati, StumbleUpon, Digg, Reddit and so many more. As you can see here in my blog, I have a list of referring websites and number one in the rank is visitors from StumbledUpon. In my Google Analytics report, it is Google and StumbleUpon who contributed so much traffic in my blog. So to those who have just started blogging, I think submitting your links and letting your readers share your blog posts to this Social Networking sites can be very helpful to get traffic and also to generate income if you are serving ads on your blog.