Benefits of Owning A Dog

Posted by Boffill Saturday, August 11, 2012
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Below are the list of benefits we can get when owning a dog.

1. Regular dog walking improves fitness levels.
2. Pet allergies in infants:
        • 19% with dog
        • 33% without dog
3. Patting a dog lowers your blood pressure, therefore lowering your chance of cardiovascular disease.
4. Infants are less likely to have eczema, a common skin allergy which causes red patches and itching.
5. Dog owners often recover faster from illnesses and have a higher survival rate after a heart attack.
6. Kids have fewer sick days off of school.
7. Dogs can act as an early warning to detect an approaching epileptic seizure.
8. Dogs help improve loneliness and also help recover from personal trauma such as a lost loved one.
9. Children with dogs tend to have better self-esteem
10. Owning a dog can alleviate symptoms of seasonal affective disorder or depression.


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