
Posted by Boffill Wednesday, December 1, 2010
There are times that a person will have to leave for the mean time. Sometimes, these people are leaving for a reason, good or bad. Me, I’ll be leaving the World Wide Web for the meantime for a very good reason. I’m not gonna tell why because I wanna keep it secret. I know I never made a very big impact in the blogosphere or even in Facebook but still, I’d like to say goodbye to those people who I know and who I don’t know. There are people that are very special to me like my parents and my girlfriend who I think will have to sacrifice for the meantime that is if they would still miss me. I’m not sick or something, it’s just that I’ll be going to a certain place where Internet not even a computer is accessible. So there won’t be any updates in this blog and new photos in my photoblog because I won’t be around for 2 maybe 3 maybe 6 months. Saying goodbye for me is a bit difficult because I don’t really know what to tell to the other party. This will be the last post of the year and maybe the next update will be after 6 months. I’m sure my family will be proud of me because of my decision. They’d be happy that they have a son like me, a smart one! LOL. So, I think I’m gonna end this post because I am really tired now and I want to lie down my bed. And to those who know where I’ll be going, please, do not mention it online!!! Thank you.

P.S. This post is created on the 29th day of November, 2010.