My Webcrib's New Look!

Posted by Boffill Wednesday, October 13, 2010
The other day, a friend of mine who is a regular viewer of my blog suggested trying changing my blog template. I understand him and then thought that changing my blog template would be very hassle for me since I’ll have to tweak some of the codes. Tweaking will cover from the images to the links to my adsense ads. The last time I changed my blog template, I spent about 4 hours in front of the computer just to finalize everything.

This morning, I don’t know what got into me when I suddenly decided to change my blog template. So I started browsing BTemplates and checked if they have elegant templates ready for use. What I normally do when I want to change my blog template is to check on the code first and see if it isn’t that hard to tweak.  I found this template called Jocasta and fell in love with it the first time. I checked on the codes and it seems too easy for me to modify it. Downloaded the template and then made a backup of my previous template just in case I’m gonna mess up everything. What I like most in this template is that it has an Apple like featured posts and also the avatar of the author.

If you believe you included me to your blogroll list, feel free to contact me thru my contact form. Thanks!


klipert said...

pare.. comment nko..

1. images are too stretch
2. blank spaces(bottom)
3. its kind'a apple theme.. (pwede banana, soxyal ra ang apple)
4. un lang. ^^,)

Boffill said...

Haha. With regard to the images, stretched bitaw kaayo pero naka-default man gud na siya sa template. Sige lang, I'll find a way to make it more pleasing sa imong mata. :D Blank spaces depending sa post kung mubo kaayo.

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